PC Direct 1997 April
PC Direct CD-ROM (April 1997).iso
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0ALBM710.ZIP 259947 SWH001 AlbumMaster v7.1; Helping you *Master your
Album Library. There is no substitute
for the real thing! Max flexibility, 3
user defined fields per title, UNLIMITED
Tunes per side. Out puts to printer/
screen/ file. Labels, 3X5 & Rolodex cards.
Can Find! on every field or combination,
even Tune!
ASPROG.ZIP 310173 SWH001 ASP DATABASE UTILITY; If your database
program cannot handle the ASP Membership
Database files, or you're looking for an
easy-to-use program to view or print
labels, this free utility from the ASP
will fit the bill for you. On-line help
BL153.ZIP 223340 SWH001 Book Librarian 1.53. Powerful feature
packed easy-to-use program to organize and
manage a personal, club, school, church or
coporate library. Has mouse
support,context sensitive help,pop-up
Browse and Find windows.Includes a 31 line
memo field for notes. Prints num- erous
reports to the screen,printer or disk. ASP
Shareware by TurboSystemsCo. Fields are
Title, author, subject, edition, catalog#,
ISBN, publisher and more.
CANS15.ZIP 286342 SWH001 C A N S v1.5 <ASP> Industrial strength PIM.
A tickler and rolodex - on line help.
Features 'to do' list, automatically rolls
foward daily; maintains anniversaries.
Search calendar by date or keyword;
critical date alerts. Extensive rolodex
file with multiple groupings; WP51 mail
merge, mailing labels; rolo. cards, etc.
Ideal for Ins. agents, Sales of any kind;
Corp. mgrs.; Exec. secs.; Even tame enough
for home !
CASM811.ZIP 264073 SWH001 CassetteMaster 8.11; Helping you *Master
your Cassette library.The BeZt tape
cataloger on the market! Max
flexibility,3 user defined fields per
title, up to 51 lines of Tunes per side.
Out puts to printer/ screen/ file. Audio
Labels, 3X5 & Rolodex cards. Can Find! on
every field or combination, even Tune!
CBFD98.ZIP 96098 SWH001 The Comic Book Fanatics Database v9.8 Keeps
A Complete Record Of All Of Your Comic
Books. Many Features. Features: Add,
Delete, Update, Search, Shell, Print,
Statistics, View, Online Help, Total
Values, Text File Lists, Auto Backup,
Screen Saver, Comic Trivia And More! So if
you collect comics, then this is for you.
No more searching through books for
statistics on your comic, just use this
easy to use database.
CDM801.ZIP 343157 SWH001 CDMaster 8.01 <ASP> Helping you *Master
your CD Library.It does what other
catalogers only dream of! Max flexibility
(3 user defined fields per title, 2
per tune). UNLIMITED Tunes per title.
Out puts to printer/ screen/ file.
Labels, 3X5 & Rolodex cards. Can Find CD!
on every field or combination, even
Tune! From Unicorn Software Ltd.
CDMW210.ZIP 858831 SWH001 CDMaster For Windows 2.10 <ASP> Helping you
Master your CD Library.It does what other
catalogers only dream of! Max flexibility
(user defined fields, pick lists & more!)
UNLIMITED Tunes, and individual artists
for each. Out puts to printer/ screen/
file. Labels, 3X5 & Rolodex cards. Can
Pick CD! on every field or combination,
even Tune! From Unicorn Software Ltd.
CDPRO22.ZIP 454525 SWH001 CD-ROM PRO v2.1 - Librarian/File Manager
for CD-ROM Collections. Single/ multi-CD
player support; Find, view (GIF, ZIP, ARJ,
text files), copy, unarchive files, more!
Many great reports and utilities; Create
or convert FILES.BBS/ DIRx (single or
multi-line file descriptions supported);
Floppy or file list dupe checker; Use file
listings from the CD-ROM or the
FILE_ID.DIZ within archives; Much much
CDS_21.ZIP 201889 SWH001 Compact Disc Cataloger Version 2.1. Written
by Jim a. Fencl. A Personal Compact Disc
Organizer Written in Visual Basic For DOS.
Can Easily Store 100s of Discs. Last
CLT23A.ZIP 148506 SWH001 THE COLLECTOR v2.3 [1/2]; The Collector
is a sports card collection management
tool. Its design and operation is tailored
to fit the specific needs of beginning and
serious card collectors.
CLT23B.ZIP 166426 SWH001 THE COLLECTOR v2.3 [/2/2]; The Collector
is a sports card collection management
tool. Its design and operation is tailored
to fit the specific needs of beginning and
serious card collectors.
COURIER.ZIP 6282 SWH001 Data file for NAMEBASE containing names &
addresses of companies that use freelance
air couriers. You relinquish your checked
baggage allowance in return for cheap air
tickets to various foreign places. Neat!
Database program to keep track of expenses
and time spent while restoring vintage
cars. It will also maintain a database of
parts dealers, car shows, swap meets, etc.
Includes an appointment calendar and a
pop-up calculator. View and print reports
and mailing labels. Easy to learn and use.
SHAREWARE $29. Published by RMH Computer
DB22DART.ZIP 217393 SWH001 DB2/2 Database Analysis Recovery Tool
(DB22DART Package) Version 1.11 - includes
User's Guide in LIST3820 format. (IBMnet).
DBCOIN.ZIP 240374 SWH001 DBCoin for DOS v1.0; A coin collection
inventory system designed for the
hobbyist. Information about each coin can
include: country, catalog number, mint
year, denomination, grade, purchase date,
cost, market value and notes.
DBF061A.ZIP 586650 SWH001 DBFModifer v0.61Aß From S&S Software
Copy, Edit, Join, Append, Zap any DBF file
easily with this program. Export DBF files
to Excel, Lotus, Symphony and many other
popular programs. Requires: 286 +, 512K
RAM, EGA/ VGA Registration is CHEAP! Only
DBFMOD.ZIP 639047 SWH001 DBFModifer v0.61ß From S&S Software
Copy, Edit, Join, Append, Zap any DBF file
easily with this program. Export DBF files
to Excel, Lotus, Symphony and many other
popular programs. Requires: 286 +, 512K
RAM, EGA/ VGA Registration is CHEAP! Only
DBOL110B.ZIP 654516 SWH001 DB Online v1.10b - Official Release
Online database access language that is
100% compatible with dBase III+. It also
can use dBase IV, Clipper, and Foxpro data
files. Run your .PRG applications online
without any modification!
DELIVERY.ZIP 320065 SWH001 Delivery Route Light - us a relational
database for a regular local delivery
route delivering goods or services. It
keeps track of all data on an unlimited
number of customers, allows finding
customers by either last name or account
number, records unlimited number of
transactions and remarks for each customer.
DM31.ZIP 351933 SWH001 DATA MASTER v3.0 <ASP> - Database manager.
Create, modify, sort, report, and query
dbase files. Convert 1-2-3 files to dbase
and vice versa. Report writer. Form
letter/ mailmerge utility. Mailing Label
utility. Find duplicates. Search &
replace. Sum/ average numeric data.
Frequency analysis. Unlimited number of
records. Much more. $39.00.
DOF7.ZIP 252216 SWH001 Disc-O-file V7.00 <ASP> Music Library
Cataloging System- Music Library
Cataloging System For Cassette, Cd, Dat,
Record, Tape , Dcc, And Mini Disc. Route
Reports to Printer or Files. Full Searc H
And Browse Features. Menu Driven. Back-Up,
Optimize, Convert Etc. Help Windows, Mouse
Support. Very User
EB1.ZIP 843790 SWH001 EASY BASE V.1 <ASP>
Relational Data Management System- Easy
Base is a full featured, fully relational
data management system, simple enough for
a beginner to operate yet powerful enough
to create professional data management
programs in a fraction of the time
required in most other systems.
ER303.ZIP 191555 SWH001 EDITRAND v3.03 <ASP> - EditRand is a data
file editor capable of editing any data
file whose records are all the same
length. Flat files, dBASE III, or any
with proprietary header. Typical editor
functions. Focus on field or record
range. Text, hex, binary numeric
operations. Insert/ delete fields. Case
conversions. Max file size 2 GB. Max
record size 1600 bytes (any monitor), 3040
(EGA), 3600 (VGA).
EZMUSIC.ZIP 167108 SWH001 EZMUSIC v1.1: An easy Music collection
data-base. Now Handles up to 32000 records
per file.(Unlimited files). Search, Edit,
Remove by any of 5 fields. Tracks Title,
Artist, Year, Style, and Format.
Menu-Driven. Req. 512K and any color
Monitor. Mouse Support, many new features.
NOTE: Data files from v1.0 must first be
converted. Conversion utility sent to
registrants. Eric Jarrett - Richmond, VA
EZVIDEO.ZIP 167050 SWH001 EZVIDEO v1.2: An easy Video collection
data-base. Now Handles up to 32000 records
per file.(Unlimited files). Search, Edit,
Remove by any of 5 fields. Tracks Title,
Actors, Year, Format, and Rating.
Menu-Driven. Req. 512K and any color
Monitor. Mouse Support, many new features.
NOTE: Data files from v1.0 or 1.1 must
first be converted. Conversion utility
sent to registrants. Eric Jarrett -
Richmond, VA
FOXTRIS.ZIP 68331 SWH001 This is an application that runs under
Microsoft FOXPRO 2.5. It lets you play a
pretty good version of Tetris. With source.
GENSCR.ZIP 69018 SWH001 GENSCRNX v1.7 extensions to the FoxPro
screen generator - PD release from JPL.
INFOPLS.ZIP 298176 SWH001 The Information Please 2.10a free-form
textbase database is for anyone who wants
to store textual information, such as
product descriptions, catalogs, memos,
descriptions, etc., then retreive, view or
print by a keyword search. You can also
link a graphic to each text record. ASP
Full featured Sportscard Inventory System-
Full featured sports card system with
features such as full team su pport,
rookie, goalie, error, premium, first
card, last card flags, four sport
categories plus custom, comprehnsive stats
and reports, dual currency, password
protection, custom
LBB_572.ZIP 102359 SWH001 LITTLE BLACK BOOK v5.72; Autodialer and
Address Book Database- 5K TSR Autodialer &
Address Book. Unlimited records.
International dialing codes. 10 index
categories. Redial on busy. Call logging.
Import/ Export database. Print personal
Little Black Book. COM1-4.
Context-Sensitive Help. Manual Dial Mode.
LOGGERG.ZIP 84663 SWH001 From the folks who brought you Logger3,
that pop up and non pop up information
collector, comes LoggerG where the 'G'
stands for generic. We went and did
something nice. We called up some folks
who were pleased with the idea of Logger
and were trying it out. We asked them, if
the logger could do something different,
what would you have it do. This question
caught them off guard. But they recovered
quick enough. Then they came back with
answers like: "The names on the fields
don't quite fit what I had in mind. But
I'm going to try to use it anyway." Well
don't settle for something that 'kind of'
fits your needs. Get the new improved
LoggerG where the labels on the fields are
what 'you' want them to be. ( Well, I
think I've been watching too much late
night tv.) LG (a.k.a. LoggerG or logger
generic) has a
MEMOLX22.ZIP 268884 SWH001 MEMOLUX 2.2 <ASP>
A Personal Information Management Program-
Memolux is a versatile, multi-featured
personal information management system. It
is fun and easy to use, and yet powerful
to handle a variety of demanding
situations. You will discover that it is
one of the often used program in your
MLIST160.ZIP 223499 SWH001 MASTER*LIST 1.60 by Mike Perry/PCS is an
extremely simple, yet powerful & flexible
database system, with a wide variety of
data formats for storing everything from
names/ addresses, telephone lists,
collections, to sales contacts, help desk
data, journals & free-form notes and much
more! ML contains very advanced search
and reporting option, tons of reports and
label formats and import/ export options
(including support for Word Perfect,
WinFax, BitFax, EM2, Ascii, dBase and
other applications!) ML supports over a
million "lists" each capable of holding
over a million records. The Shareware
version is also FULLY multiuser and
networkable! ML contains dozens of useful
features including: duplicate removal,
phone dialer, text notes, follow-up dates,
filtering of records/ lists and more! ML
can be run from DOS, OS/ 2 or Windows!
What Quicken does for accounting,
Master*List does for information
MLRPRI25.ZIP 125017 SWH001 My Little Realm's Private Library v2.5;
Lets you catalog your home books, records,
tapes, etc. You can sort and print your
records. A powerful search function finds
your input strings in any of three fields.
Runs from floppy or hard disk.
MULCO311.ZIP 70243 SWH001 MULTICOL.EXE: Program creates multiple
column listings from straight ASCII text,
ASCII-delimited text, or dBase files.
Also does subtotalling.
MYB_241.ZIP 312511 SWH001 MyBASE, 2.41 is a very powerful and easy to
use PC database package! Use it in DOS or
Windows to; view, edit, sort, search,
group, filter, replace, copy/ paste,
merge, print, fax or export data in many
ways. Includes: on-line help, password
access, programmable merge utility,
automatic swap & run of external programs,
telephone dialer, data entry validation,
quick index and view setup, etc... < from
P3006D.ZIP 54919 SWH001 Clarion 3.0 Patch Update
3.0052 to 3.006 4 of 4 From Clarion
Tech support. NEED all files.
PANLASZ2.ZIP 73566 SWH001 A utility to print addresses on
envelopes using a Panasonic Laser printer.
Also creates a database of those who have
been printed and is used for lookup and
reprint purposes. Requires VGA monitor.
May be used in DOS or Windows either Full
Screen or within a Window.
Full featured Address Manager! ASP author.
Public Address is a data base program
designed to be easy to use yet have every
feature someone would need around the home
or in a small business. Does Labels,
Envelopes, Report, Phonebook, Merge file,
etc. Requires DOS 3.2+ 512K base memory.
Author: Chris M. Davies CIS 70322,231
RESORTSA.ZIP 438825 SWH001 RESORTS 1.2 <ASP> Vacation Organizer-
A database system to organize your
vacation information. Contains a Hotel,
Condo and Broker module. Samples from the
Eastern Shore points are included.
Requires 540K free memory, a 286 or better
and 3 mg hard disk space. Registration fee
SCH110.ZIP 601637 SWH001 SCHOONER v1.1; Complete XBASE application
development system. Dbase file compatible.
A Powerful language and our exclusive
INSTANT RUN environment let you develop
applications quickly. Contains a full set
of graphics commands. Clipper '87 compiler
compatible. Registration delivers v2.00
GUI and free graphics utilities that allow
you to create complete Graphical Interface
SCIM10.ZIP 462817 SWH001 S.C.I.M. - Sports Card Inventory Manager
SCROLLZ2.ZIP 284687 SWH001 ScrollZ 2.00 <ASP> A great way to track
all of your printed matter; be it
Magazines, Comics, Books, Graphic
Novels, Newspapers, ANYTHING! Input
screens designed with specific needs
in mind. Even a NoteZ section for
recording your own comments! Prints
listings,catalogs,3X5 or Rolodex
cards,custom lists, & even stats on your
SIGHT_SD.ZIP 95323 SWH001 Sight And Sound Movie Cataloger
SNDZ311.ZIP 283238 SWH001 SoundZ 3.11; The ULTIMATE audio librarian
handles tapes, CDs, 45s,LPs,78s, and
reels. UNLIMITED tunes per side, standard
header info PLUS a text file for each
title of up to 5000 lines. Prints lists,
catalogs, inserts, labels and more!
Finds! on ALL fields or combination.
Handles Laser or DM printer.
SPRTCD20.ZIP 178565 SWH001 4Collectors SportsCards v2.0; Features:
Select from eight predefined types or add
up to four of your own; Tracks how much
you paid for each card/ set; Add comments
about each card/ set; An On-Line manual;
Shows total number of cards and/ or sets;
Shows total value of cards and/ or sets;
Search by name, dupe, year, team, value,
number, rookie autograph & more.
STOWEVAL.ZIP 20070 SWH001 Use with STOWIT52.ZIP as DEMO and evaluator
for Stowit!
STOWIT54.ZIP 94799 SWH001 Stowit! Database Generator V 5.4
maintenance upgrade design your own
database records
S_POP302.ZIP 1043811 SWH001 POPIT SYSTEM v3.02, VITRON, Inc.
Popit is a unique, easy-to-use,
state-of-the-art PC data base application
system intended for anyone looking for a
cost-effec- tive, efficient method of
storing and retrieving business and pers-
onal information. PopIt is a com- plete
Information Management Sys- tem for
individuals and small businesses.
Registration fee is only $49.95.
TAPEMK18.ZIP 75931 SWH001 TapeMaker is a unique program for
maintaining a database of your music
collection and printing cassette inserts.
It's different from other cassette insert
programs because it can let you select
which songs you want to put on a cassette
and it will figure out the best
arrangement of the songs so every minute
is filled and you have no blank tape left
over. TapeMaker has easy to use windows,
menus and help text.
TREAS171.ZIP 254690 SWH001 The VianSoft <r) Church Treasurer - track
budget, income and expenses for your
TREST232.ZIP 325978 SWH001 TRACTOR RESTORATION v2.32 <ASP> - Database
program to keep track of expenses and time
spent while restoring vintage tractors. It
will maintain a database of parts dealers,
tractor shows, swap meets, etc. Includes
an appointment calendar and a pop-up
calculator. View and print reports and
mailing labels. Easy to learn and use.
SHAREWARE $29. Published by RMH Computer
VCATDOS.ZIP 135878 SWH001 VIDEOCAT is a shareware program for
cataloging a videocassette collection and
is available in DOS, Windows and OS/ 2
VIDM811.ZIP 259293 SWH001 VideoMaster v8.11; Video cataloging &
labeling system that has the MOST
flexibility for users. Standard entries,
3 user defined/ named fields, plus a
Synopsis of up to 5000 lines. 5 label
styles/ sizes. Prints catalogs lists,
custom lists, (or write to file/
screen) PLUS rolodex and 3X5 cards.
Can Find! & print any field/ combination.
VWNEWFI1.ZIP 34368 SWH001 NewFile.dat file viewer. Displays
1 line descriptions, zooms to full
description, tags files.
WSSI531A.ZIP 162884 SWH001 Wssindex cataloger vers. 5.31, part 1 of 2.
Build database of directory info. Extract
info from ARC, ARJ, LZH, ZIP, self-
extracting, others. Extract image size and
no. of colors from GIF, others. Add
comments & categories to files and disks.
Variety of database query/ print opts. Reg
$35, s/ h $2.50 US/ Canada, $4.50 foreign.
ASP member.
WSSI531B.ZIP 121760 SWH001 Wssindex cataloger vers. 5.31, part 2 of 2.
ZIDCAR31.ZIP 131500 SWH001 ZideCar 3.11; An add on program for
SoundZ.Works with SoundZ' files to help
users find fillers for tapes & helps users
total times on tapes.BUT its biggest
strength lies in allowing to the user to
pick & chose entries to construct new
recordings from existing SoundZ
entries.Even creates a new entry for the
ZIPCODES.ZIP 363597 SWH001 Zipcode program
A relational database program for
maintaining tree like organizational data.
For organizations like network marketing,
emergency contract, or political party
matrixes. Registration $39.